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超翔旅游网 2024-04-05 8 views 0


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Day 1: Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum

Xi'an's most famous attraction is the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum. These life-sized figures were created over 2,000 years ago to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang in the afterlife. The museum consists of three pits containing thousands of warriors, horses, and chariots. The first pit is the most impressive, with rows of warriors standing in formation as if ready for battle. It's best to go early in the morning before the crowds arrive and make sure to buy your tickets in advance to avoid waiting in line.

Day 1: Big Wild Goose Pagoda and Muslim Quarter

After visiting the Terracotta Warriors, head to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. This Buddhist pagoda was built over 1,300 years ago and is considered a masterpiece of Chinese architecture. You can climb to the top for a panoramic view of the city. In the evening, explore the Muslim Quarter, where you can sample local snacks like roujiamo (Chinese hamburger) and yangroupaomo (lamb soup with bread).

Day 2: City Wall and Shaanxi History Museum

Start your day with a walk or bike ride along the City Wall, which is the most complete ancient city wall in China. The wall is over 600 years old and offers stunning views of the city. Afterward, visit the Shaanxi History Museum, which houses over 370,000 artifacts chronicling the history of Shaanxi province from prehistoric times to the present day. Make sure to stop by the Tang Dynasty mural paintings, which are some of the most famous exhibits in the museum.

Day 2: The Great Mosque and Bell Tower

In the evening, visit the Great Mosque, which was built in the 8th century and is one of the oldest and most well-preserved mosques in China. It's an architectural masterpiece that combines Chinese and Islamic styles, with a beautiful courtyard and intricate decorations. Afterward, head to the Bell Tower, which marks the center of the city and was built in the Ming Dynasty. You can climb to the top for a bird's-eye view of the bustling city below.


Day 3: Huaqing Palace and Mount Li

On your third day, take a day trip to Huaqing Palace and Mount Li. Huaqing Palace is a hot spring resort that was once the site of a royal palace during the Tang Dynasty. It's said that Emperor Xuanzong took his famous concubine Yang Guifei here to bathe in the hot springs and enjoy the natural beauty. Mount Li is a scenic area that offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and is also home to many historical sites, including the graves of several emperors.

Day 3: Tang Dynasty Dinner Show

In the evening, attend a Tang Dynasty Dinner Show, which combines traditional Chinese music, dance, and acrobatics with a delicious dinner. The show takes place in a grand hall inspired by Tang architecture and features colorful costumes and elaborate sets. It's a great way to experience the rich culture and history of Xi'an while enjoying a night of entertainment.

Xi'an is a city with a rich history and culture, and these three days will give you a taste of everything it has to offer. From the ancient Terracotta Warriors to the modern Tang Dynasty Dinner Show, there is something for everyone in this vibrant city. Whether you are interested in history, food, or entertainment, Xi'an is sure to leave a lasting impression.

