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超翔旅游网 2023-12-18 12 views 0


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Located in the northwestern part of Hebei Province, China, Weixian County is known for its beautiful natural scenery, rich cultural heritage, and delicious food. It's a perfect destination for a self-driving tour. In this article, we'll provide you with a complete guide to the best route and attractions for a memorable trip to Weixian County.

Day 1: Exploring the Scenic Spots

On the first day of your trip, make your way to the Weizhou Mountain Scenic Area. Here, you'll find an enchanting natural landscape full of steep cliffs, deep valleys, and flowing water. One of the highlights of your visit will be the Yunfeng Temple, which is located on the top of Yunfeng Mountain and is said to be one of the oldest temples in the area. After enjoying the scenic beauty, drive to the Mengjiang National Forest Park, where you can hike, swim, and camp. The park has a variety of activities, including rock climbing, fishing, and picnic areas for family outings.

Day 2: Immersing Yourself in Local Culture

On the second day, take a tour of the local historic and cultural sites. Start with the Weixian Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall, which was built to commemorate the local people's resistance against Japan's invasion during World War II. You'll be fascinated by the historical photos, documents, and artifacts that provide a vivid portrayal of the heroic struggle. Then, head to the Yuhuang Temple, an ancient temple dedicated to the Emperor Yu, where you'll be amazed by the intricate architecture and intricate decoration. Finally, end your cultural trip by exploring the traditional Lunar New Year paintings in the Dongjie painting village and learning about the local folk customs and traditions.


Day 3: Enjoying the Local Cuisine

No trip to Weixian County is complete without sampling the local delicacies. On the third day, start your culinary journey by tasting the famous Weixian pears, which are known for their juicy and refreshing taste. You can also try the local specialty, the "San Bozi," a kind of pastry made with bean paste and flour. For lunch, head to the Tingquan Roast Duck Restaurant, where you can enjoy the crispy and succulent roast duck, a dish that has been popular for centuries. Finally, end your day by savoring a cup of authentic Weixian tea, which is grown in the mountainous areas and has a unique aromatic flavor.


Weixian County is a hidden gem of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and gastronomic delight. By following this guide, you'll be able to explore the most captivating sites and experience the best the county has to offer. Whether you're traveling with family, friends, or solo, a self-driving tour of Weixian County is an unforgettable experience that will leave you with lasting memories.



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