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超翔旅游网 2024-04-01 19 views 0


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When people think of traveling to the United Kingdom, their minds often wander to the capital of London, but there's so much more to explore in the north of the country. From the rolling hills of the Lake District to the vibrant city of Liverpool, the north of England has something for everyone. In this article, we will recommend a travel route and highlight some of the must-see attractions in the area.

Day 1-2: Manchester

Manchester is a hub of culture, history, and music, making it a perfect place to start your journey. Begin with a tour of Old Trafford stadium, the home of Manchester United, before delving into the city's industrial past at the Museum of Science and Industry. Walk along the trendy Northern Quarter and visit the small shops, independent record stores, and cafes. Wrap up your day with a performance at the Royal Exchange Theatre.

On your second day, visit the stunning John Rylands Library, and then head to the Whitworth Art Gallery to marvel at some of Manchester's finest art collections. End your day with a walk through Heaton Park, one of the city's largest parklands.

Day 3-4: Liverpool

A quick train journey from Manchester will bring you to the city of Liverpool, where you can delve into the world of The Beatles at The Beatles Story Museum. Afterwards, take a stroll along the city's UNESCO-designated waterfront and visit the Museum of Liverpool to learn more about the city's history and culture.

The following day, visit the famous Liverpool Cathedral, and then explore the city's creative hub, The Baltic Triangle. Take a break from the city center with a visit to Crosby Beach, where you'll find Antony Gormley's installation "Another Place."

Day 5-6: Lake District

Take a train or bus to the Lake District, where you'll find some of the UK's most breathtaking natural scenery. Visit Lake Windermere for a boat trip or rent a kayak for an adventure on the water. Hike up Scafell Pike, the highest peak in England, or take a more leisurely stroll through the picturesque towns of Ambleside and Grasmere. Make sure to visit Beatrix Potter's home and garden for a dose of literary history.

Day 7-8: Durham

The final stop on your northern adventure is the historic city of Durham. The highlight of your visit will undoubtedly be Durham Cathedral, which is considered one of the finest examples of Norman architecture in Britain. Take a stroll along the River Wear or visit the stunning Botanic Garden. End your day in Durham with a pint of ale at one of the city's numerous pubs.

On your second day, visit the nearby UNESCO World Heritage site of Hadrian's Wall, which divided the Roman Empire from Britannia. You'll have the opportunity to explore some of the wall's best-preserved sections and learn more about its fascinating history.


The north of England has so much to offer, with a mix of city life, natural beauty, and history. Following this route will give you a chance to experience all of it, but don't forget to leave some time for spontaneous adventures that may come your way.




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