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超翔旅游网 2023-12-18 19 views 0


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Day 1: Exploring the Scenic Island of Zhujiajian

For the first day of your trip to Zhoushan, we recommend exploring the scenic island of Zhujiajian. Take a ferry from Shenjiamen Port to Zhujiajian, which takes about 10-15 minutes. Once you arrive, rent a bike and explore the island at your own pace.

One of the most popular attractions on the island is the Zhujiajian Scenic Area, which features numerous beaches, forests, and hiking trails. Be sure to check out the iconic Lover's Bridge, a long suspension bridge that offers stunning views of the ocean and the nearby islands.

For lunch, you can sample some of the local seafood dishes at one of the many restaurants on the island. We recommend trying out the fried yellow croaker or the steamed scallops, which are both popular dishes in Zhoushan.

For accommodations on Zhujiajian Island, there are several guesthouses and hotels to choose from, depending on your budget. Some popular options include the Green Apple Sea View Hotel and the Hanhuang Guesthouse.


Day 2: Visiting the Historic Putuo Mountain

On day two of your trip, take a ferry from Shenjiamen Port to Putuo Mountain, which is one of the four sacred mountains in Buddhism. Putuo Mountain is home to many temples and shrines, including the famous Puji Temple and Fayu Temple.

After exploring the temples, take a cable car up to the Guanyin Statue, which is one of the tallest statues of the goddess Guanyin in the world. From the top, you can enjoy panoramic views of the mountain and the surrounding sea.

In the afternoon, take a stroll around the nearby fishing village of Houtouwan, which was abandoned in the 1990s but has since become a popular tourist attraction. The village is now overgrown with vines and other vegetation, giving it a unique and otherworldly feel.

For accommodations on Putuo Mountain, there are several hotels and guesthouses to choose from. Some popular options include the Purple Bamboo Hotel and the Putuo Zhongji Hotel.

Day 3: Relaxing on Dongji Island

For your last day in Zhoushan, head to Dongji Island, which is known for its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters. Take a ferry from Shenjiamen Port to the island, which takes about an hour.

Once you arrive, spend the day relaxing on one of the island's many beaches, such as Xiazhi Beach or Haitong Beach. You can also rent a boat and explore the nearby islands, such as Nanyajiao Island and Xiaoyangshan Island.

In the evening, enjoy a seafood dinner at one of the local restaurants on Dongji Island, such as the popular Dongji Island Seafood Restaurant.

For accommodations on Dongji Island, there are several hotels and guesthouses to choose from. Some popular options include the Dongji Island Hotel and the Dongji Island House Hotel.


Zhoushan is a beautiful and diverse destination that offers something for everyone. Whether you want to explore scenic islands, visit historic temples, or relax on pristine beaches, there are plenty of options to choose from. By following this three-day itinerary, you can experience some of the highlights of Zhoushan and create lasting memories of your trip.



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